Steps in the Insurance Claims Process:

1. Have an honest, local and professional roofing expert inspect your roof. We know we can help.

Most homeowners will contact their agent or Insurance company first. This is not the best course of action as you may not have damage, yet the claim will count against you in your file history. Allow us to look at your roof and provide a detailed evaluation at no cost.

2. If damage is found, make a claim with your insurance company, not your agent.

With your roof inspection and detailed damage assessment you can file your claim on your homeowner’s policy knowing you have warranted damage. Your insurance company will ask you if your roof has already been inspected. Peterich Construction & Roofing will provide you with a detailed damage assessment which you can use as the starting point in your claim.

3. It is extremely important to have your roofer of choice present when the adjuster inspects your property.

When the two inspect the roof together, they are more likely to be on the same page about what will be covered by insurance. This will save you a lot of back and forth phone calls, time and frustration. And you will be able to get the project started more quickly.

4. It is time to go over the scope of repairs and pick your products.

Your project manager at Peterich Construction & Roofing will go over every aspect of each project and make sure you are happy with the plans. Typically, most roofs take 1-2 days but of course project size, material, and weather can change this. We will schedule our jobs to best meet your needs.

5. Your deductible will be your only out of pocket expense.

Of course any upgrades would change this. Your deductible will come out of the claim but you still need to pay this amount to equal the agreed price between the insurance company and the contractor. It is unlawful for any contractor to waive, pay, or rebate any amount of a homeowner’s insurance deductible. No reputable company would ever offer this incentive.



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